The Best Custom Photos For Your Website

The day is here, and it’s finally time to redesign your website.  our website is critical for your business, and it’s typically the first impression a potential client will have of you.  You’ve had your web developer written out all of the content, and now it’s time to consider the imagery.  Images are powerful website content that will enhance the user’s experience.   At the highest level, your photos help your visitors connect to your business.  Since 65% of the population describes themselves as visual learners, you must plan for people who want to look at pictures instead of reading words when tackling a website design project.  The photos you choose to run with on your site should be custom and representative of your corporate brand.

With that in mind, here’s the list of the four types of images you’ll need when launching or redesigning a website


The hero image is the featured photo on the website’s home page that is placed front and center. These are also typically placed on the top of each primary page of the website as a banner. Since this is the first visual the potential customer has of your services, the photo should present the most important information and is often accompanied by text and a call to action


When your product is a tangible item such as a burger, bike, or backpack, what you make needs to be featured on your website constantly and consistently. Consumers expect to know how a product looks from multiple angles before choosing to make their purchase. If you’re selling a service, this can apply as well. For instance, a contractor who specializes in tile work could show before and after images of a backspace installation. The more appealing the photo of your service or product is, the more likely someone is to work with you or put that product in their shopping cart


Whether your business is a service or a product that your company provides, the people behind the scenes make it all possible. We all like to know who we’re working with and who we are buying from, which is why it’s essential to include corporate headshots or on-location portraits of the key members of your team. It’s been found that website users spend 10% more time viewing portrait photos than actually reading the biographies, even though the biographies consume much more space.

Keeping the headshots current on the About Us and Contact Page helps to put a face to the name and humanize your company because potential customers are just as interested in who you are as what you do


When your business is a service, and your product is an intangible one, you’ll need to find creative ways to show off what you do. For example, if you’re a lawyer or Realtor, your product is you and your professional expertise, so you’ll have the photos feature you working with your clients and your team. If there’s a process involved, break it down and feature that process in photos so potential clients can see behind the scenes of your services.

Studies show that we process visuals much faster than text and retain much more information when it’s transferred to us visually. The most important factor to consider when pulling together a photography shot list for a new or redesigned website is that users pay attention to information-carrying images. So, the more professional and compelling your website’s photography is, the more business you’ll be bringing in!

Ready to start planning for your next corporate photography project? Get in touch with us; we’re here to help!